Portraits 3/4월호 > 목회자 소개 Pastors

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담임 목사 Senior Pastor



김동식 Rev. Don Kim

(480) 442-7329 | donskim@gmail.com


1959 서울 출생

1981 The Ohio Institute of Technology, BS  

1987 Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, Master of Divinity

1988 - 1992  Berendo Street Baptist Church (로스엔젤스 한인 침례교회 영어부/청소년부 목사)

1993-1999  Calvary Mission Church (CA) 담임목사

1999-2011 New Community Baptist Church (CA), Principal English Ministry Pastor 

2011-2015  Seoul National University Church (서울), 담임목사

2017-2021 Hosanna Presbyterian Church (부산), Pastor of Multicultural Ministry 

2023.11- 현재 아리조나 지구촌 침례교회 담임



은퇴 목사 Pastor Emeritus



아브라함 Rev. Lee Abraham

(480)401-7999 | rev_lee@hotmail.com


1944 충북 청원 출생

1972 거듭남

1978 침례로 순종함

1982 전임목회 시작

1987 Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary졸업

2014 21세기 침례교회에서 은퇴

2016.01 - 2023.10 아리조나 지구촌 침례교회 담임목사 

2023.10.31 아리조나 지구촌 침례교회에서 은퇴

목회자 소개 Pastors

Portraits 3/4월호

페이지 정보

Author 관리자1 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일18-03-25 06:53 조회 Read1,737회 댓글 Reply1건



미남침례회 매거진 Portraits 3/4월호, 2018년 에 게재된 담임 목사님 관련 기사입니다.
목사님 인생과, 목회 철학, 양육, 제자화, 비전 등을 잘 알 수 있는 글입니다.
목사님의 헌신과 동역에 늘 존경과 감사와 사랑을 드립니다.~

기사 전문(원문 첨부 6~8페이지 참조)
March-April 2018 Vol. 22 No. 2
Pastor Abraham Lee has a proven track record for developing leaders. He started
his first church plant in 1982 and has been planting churches ever since.
Two years ago, in 2016, he became pastor of the Global Mission Church in Tempe when it was about to disband.

Since then, the group of 14 people has flourished and now has about 50 people.
Over the past four decades, Pastor Lee has developed 10 leaders who have become pastors or missionaries. How has the Lord used him to accomplish this?
Without taking any shortcuts, his approach is to spend quality time with men to build close relationships. In spending time with them over the years, he has played tennis, enjoyed meals and walked alongside them even in early mornings sharing their “quiet times.”
“I have tried to fit myself to them as a brother,  to build a strong personal relationship, even a
tighter relationship than a biological brother,” Lee says.
Once he has a close relationship, Lee has developed an intensive approach to teaching the Bible.
The faithful pastor teaches through books of the Bible (specifically Genesis, John, Acts and Romans) at such a level that he expects his people to be able to teach others themselves.
“I really want people to become disciplined, and by being discipled, get a solid foundation,” he says.
As he develops relationships, he is then able to understand the gifts of the leaders and help guide them into their best use of their strengths.

What’s the biggest challenge in making disciples of Jesus?
“To motivate them,” Lee says. “Not many people want to be disciplined. So I have to motivate them to be disciplined. Once they are motivated, they want to follow.”
Abraham Lee, the pastor of Global Mission Church, Tempe,
prays with Steve Son (left) and Ki Son during a time of discipleship. Leading the lost on a journey to a thriving relationship with Christ” is the mission statement recommended by the Willow Hills Baptist Church, Prescott, vision team and affirmed by members.
Pastor Abraham has planted churches in numerous areas: Monterey, San Luis Obispo and Anaheim, Calif.; and Atlanta and Athens, Ga. Plus, he started one church plant in Korea and several house churches in China.
What values does Pastor Lee bring to his lifestyle of ministry? He values service and also sacrifices.
He calls attention to Jesus’ words, “The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep” (John 10:11). More than just preaching this message, Abraham Lee’s lifestyle carries out the very example of Christ.
Serving others also is a high priority for this pastor who was willing to come to Arizona without the promise of a paycheck.
One of his favorite Scripture verses is, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).

“I enjoy serving the Lord and serving people,” he affirms. At the same time he is serving them, Lee challenges them to dive deep into the Word. Specifically, his teaching style when going through the book of Genesis, for example, is to divide the book into seven sections. And for each section, he gives homework and asks the people to write an essay sharing what they have learned.
He wants them to make sure they understand what they have studied.
While only arriving in Arizona a little over two years ago, Lee also sets his sights on raising up leaders here in Phoenix.
He estimates the Korean population in metro Phoenix to be around 20,000 people.
When asked about whether he would raise up a future pastor from Arizona, he remarked, “I don’t know yet. I know the longer that I am here, the more possibility there is to raise up someone ...”
He and his wife, Sarah, have worked diligently not only to raise up pastors, but they have also raised up a missionary to Mongolia.
Because of his investment in new leaders, Lee’s influence has had a far-reaching impact. From leaders now in Georgia to new leaders in California and all the way to China, he has multiplied
himself many times over.
With the Lord’s help and through great sacrifice, his guiding fatherhood has inspired many to follow their Lord and enter a life of ministry service.
If the past is any type of predictor, there are blessed days on the horizon.
Dave Arden, a freelance writer living in Surprise, is a North American Mission Board church planting catalyst serving in the West Valley.

-N. John Keller, a freelance photographer living in Phoenix, is a member of First Southern Baptist Church, Phoenix.
Get inVoLVeD
• Pray for the Korean community in Arizona that they
come to know Christ.
• Focus on developing men in your church who are potential
leaders and be intentional in coming alongside them to equip
them to shepherd the family and the church.
• Consider what one-on-one discipleship opportunities for
women would look like in your church.
• Don’t just sit there. Go help plant a church. For information, contact Ken Belflower, Arizona Southern Baptist Convention church planting facilitator, kbelflower@azsbc.org, or Monty Patton, North American Mission Board Send City missionary for Phoenix-Tucson, mpatton@namb.net.

[이 게시물은 최고관리자님에 의해 2018-03-25 06:55:58 교회앨범에서 복사 됨]

[이 게시물은 최고관리자님에 의해 2018-03-27 06:48:57 자유게시판에서 복사 됨]
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Southern Baptist Convention Arizona Global Baptist Church
536 E. Fillmore St., Tempe, AZ 85288 / T. (48O) 442-7329

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